Project Achievements
- 5884 rural water supply schemes constructed are operated and managed by the communities.
- 4.52 Lakhs rural HH connections in less than 20 years. Constituting 25% of total rural household connections.
- O&M of the schemes by the Community without any support of Govt.
- Willingness to pay demonstrated beyond doubt (Part of Capital expenditure & Full O&M expenditure)
- Popularised rain water harvesting programme by constructing more than 37,000 rain water harvesting structures
- 1.04 lakhs individual latrines constructed and 24194 unsanitary latrines converted in to sanitary latrines
- 293 pay and use / community latrines constructed
- 96703 environment management mitigation units (soakpit, compost pit, vermi compost) constructed
- 1916 biogas units constructed.
- Water Security Plan for 106 project GPs
- 227 GPs already primed with Jal Jeeven Mission (JJM) concept.
- Reached out to most difficult areas like hilly and remote Panchayaths
- Emergence of leaders from among women and the underprivileged.
- Strengthened gender equality.
- Reached out to most difficult areas like hilly and remote Panchayaths
- Jalanidhi projects are being operationalised through the Grama Panchayaths and the beneficiary groups, thereby acknowledging and strengthening the efforts of decentralised planning in Kerala.