Plan Schemes 2020-21
Scaling up of RWH and GWR Programme
Scheme Name : Scaling up of Rain Water Harvesting and GWR Programme through KRWSA-XX-2215-01-800-64
Scheme Code : SWS062
Outlay (Rs in Lakhs) |
1000.00 |
Expenditure (Rs in Lakhs) |
813.02 |
% of Expenditure |
81.00% |
Physical :
RWH + Open Well Recharge Target |
1552.00 |
RWH + Open Well Recharge Achievement |
0.00 |
Remarks: 935 RWH tanks & 600 open well re charge planned in 2019-20 have been completed in 2020-21. Works of 815 RWH tanks and 8700 open well recharge are in progress.
Sustainability support
Scheme Name : Sustainability support to community managed water supply scheme KRWSA-XX-2215-01-102-80
Scheme Code : SWS139
Outlay (Rs in Lakhs) |
3000.00 |
Expenditure (Rs in Lakhs) |
1555.83 |
% of Expenditure |
52.00% |
Physical :
WSS Target |
376.00 |
WSS Achievement |
11.00 |
Remarks: 246 schemes planned in 2019-20 have been commissioned in 2020-21. Works in 562 schemes are now in progress.
Spillover work Jalanidhi phase 2
Scheme Name : Completion of water supply schemes under Jalanidhi Phase 2 KRWSA-XX-4215-01-102-91
Scheme Code : SWS144
Outlay (Rs in Lakhs) |
1000.00 |
Expenditure (Rs in Lakhs) |
2967.74 |
% of Expenditure |
297.00% |
Physical :
WSS Target |
5.00 |
WSS Achievement |
2.00 |
Remarks: 1. Munniyur LWSS -85% work over. PWD road cutting issues 2. Two schemes in Paivalike GP has not been taken up due to non-availability of source. Construction of checkdam under Kasargode package is a pre requisite for commencing the work.