Last updated on 13/03/2025 10:15 AM | Visitor Count 10003552
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Success Stories

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Irikkur Bulk Water Supply Scheme - A Sustainable Model for Community Managed Water Supply

Irikkur GP is the pioneer project in the sector of bulk water projects in Kerala. For the implementation of bulk water supply, KRWSA and KWA signed an MOU for supplying water to Jalanidhi projects in Irikkur GP. The implementation of distribution system in the GP was done by the beneficiary committee (SLEC).After the implementation of Jalanidhi project,GramaPanchayathhas executed an agreement with KWA for bulk purchase of water and condition for payment. At the same time the GramaPanchayathhas also executed an agreement with beneficiary committee (SLEC) for billing and collection of water tariff from consumers and operation and maintenance of distribution network by the SLEC.

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